North-East Monsoon Season - December to early March
Northeast winds prevail, sometimes reaching 20 km/h. Cloudy conditions in December and January with frequent afternoon showers. Spells of widespread moderate to heavy rain occur lasting from 1 to 3 days at a stretch. Relatively drier in February till early March. Also generally windy with wind speeds sometimes reaching 30 to 40 km/h in the months of January and February.
Pre South-West Monsoon - late March to May
Light and variable winds with afternoon and early evening showers often with thunder.
South-West Monsoon Season - June to September
Southeast/Southwest Winds. Isolated to scattered late morning and early afternoon showers. Early morning 'Sumatra' line squalls are common. Hazy periods.
Pre North-East Monsoon - October to November
Light and variable winds. Sea breezes in afternoon. Scattered showers with thunder in the late afternoon and early evening.
Extremes: Minimum of 19.4 deg C and Maximum of 35.8 deg C
PRESSURE: Diurnal pressure variation of 4hPa. Maximum pressure usually occurring at 1100 and 2400 Local Time and minimum pressure occurring at 0500 and 1700 Local Time. Extreme pressures recorded are 1016.9 hPa and 1002.0 hPa.
RELATIVE HUMIDITY: Diurnal range in the high 90's in the early morning to around 60 % in the mid-afternoon. Mean value is 84%, During prolonged heavy rain, relative humidity often reaches 100 %.
RAINFALL: No distinct wet or dry season. Rainfall maximum occur in December and April. The drier months are usually in February and July.extract from
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