Monday, October 20, 2008

The Extremes

The extremes is weird , there might be 2 extremes but it just take awhile to change from 1 extreme to the other... This is so weird, because i am so tired. I am probably typing something that is meaningless and pointless, something that does not even have any substance to develop.Something that nobody can understand,i am just typing with my hands, my brain is probably already in deep slumber.
I may be just sleep typing, if there's such a term.
But really i am not, i still have things to be done.
My books are in a mess, i have not yet written down the question for my next Engineering maths lecture. I do not know what to wear to school tomorrow , i do not know what to expect tomorrow.
This randomness is unexpected, because when i am tired i talk things, i just talk things, just things.
Nothing in specific, just talk , my brain is already sleeping or maybe its still awake.
My brain is probably awake but not functioning well , nothing that i am typing now make sense ,nothing that i am typing now have any link.
I am just posting for the sake of posting.
I wonder how many people do this.
I am not someone with deep thoughts.
Just simple minded.
I don't even think that my emotions are fully developed.
Tomorrows bag will be heavy ... damn the laptop ... damn the notes
This is shit
I was looking at a Muji Bag just now ...
I liked it
It cost SGD77...
My account is only left with...
Pure pathetic
I got to get my book for programming technique.
or more
something along the line...
I want to get that Muji bag
But when will i get it
I want a job
I want a part time job
I want the money
I don't want my account to be so depleted
It sucks to feel poor
It sucks even more to behave like your rich but deep inside
you feel poor
you are really poor...
My eyes have been half closed since the beginning of this post
This is such a crappy post
Its rubbish
Its nothing interesting
Its just typing out what my brain in thinking
What ever my brain is thinking at that exact moment
Is printed onto this post
Family Guy is not even out yet
Its suppose to be out today
But its not
Its disappointing
will just delete this post
maybe not
Lets see
how it goes...

extreme dead, or undead