Thursday, February 05, 2009

Mariah Carey The Ballad

I have been thinking should i get "Mariah Carey:The Ballads". 2 to 3 months a go when i was having me lunch break, i stumbled upon the album at a music store in pacific plaza.
I have been thinking of getting it, but it just seem like i am wasting money!
But who cares right? Mariah Carey is the best!

On a random thought, just now after watching a video of a missing person , i was linked to a website which shows a list of missing people's name, and 1 of the name is "Maryland".

Based on my knowing of the only "Maryland" i know, it is actually a very nice dish.
It is a plate of deep fried breaded chicken served with baked beans, coleslaw and bun.
So a random thought came into my mind and i was thinking will anyone try to be funny and print out lets say 100 copies of the "Maryland" pictures saying something like "My plate of Maryland is missing, one day when i was buying drinks ... anyone who found it please contact ..." and stick them on the bus stop things like that?

... I am so bored...